Making a Career Change during a Pandemic? Me too!

Shelley Karpaty
3 min readMay 19, 2020
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

I’m in the middle of making a career change during a pandemic. Not the best time to do it, but alas, I have the time now that I’m not working. While it’s been an explosive time for me creatively, I feel like I am in my 20s again starting a new career. I remember graduating in the early 90’s and there were NO jobs. I scraped by working as an Editorial Assistant at a newsletter publishing company where I cut out articles for research and put them in organized folders. Only the Editor and the higher-ups had computers and email. It was tedious, but I was so happy to be among writers and creatives. It was thrilling to write and edit articles! I was an English major who didn’t want to be a teacher and didn’t want to live in NYC to work in publishing. (What was I thinking??) I missed out on having a mentor who believed in me and pushed me to follow my true North. I became obsessed with the young man 3K miles away who’s employer had an 800 number and we could talk endlessly. This was before cell phones were popular and landlines were still all the rage. Soon I left Boston and the Editorial Assistant job behind for a life in California with my new husband.

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Why am I telling you all this? Because here I am 20+ years later and I’ve come full circle. After working as a recruiter in multiple Silicon Valley companies from University recruiter to Talent Acquisition Manager, I realized I desperately missed being among creatives. I worked to balance it out by joining writing groups, taking writing classes on the side while hanging out with my yogi crew, meditating, and chanting but after a few years, I realized I was enjoying my life outside of work way more than inside of work and the balance was tipping. Although the contract recruiter roles provided a great source of income and stability, my light was dim. I brought my unhappiness into overeating and became a constant cranky monster, making my family suffer for it.

My light shined when my writing published in independent magazine outlets like elephant journal, LA Yoga, SF Yoga, Common Ground, and Live + Thrive CA. It was energizing, and it made my heart soar. How could I do this consistently and have this feeling more often?

Before the pandemic hit, my recruiting contract ended, and I was faced with searching for my next recruiting contract. As I read job descriptions and started to network the pit in my stomach became too deep to ignore. The pandemic hit and I began to do some deep reflecting. My creative projects started to take off and here I am, using all the skills I’ve built up over the years to forge ahead in a new way that makes me happy! Plus, I’ve stopped emotional eating, I’m more pleasant to be around and I’m crystal clear about my goals and how I want to serve in this world.

Here are some tips for you to start the journey:

  1. Figure out what you already have to offer. Your previous skills will serve you well, so list them out.
  2. Research — Where do you want to go? Strategize and figure out how you will take the leap.
  3. Networking — More important than ever. Focus on developing relationships and letting people know where you’re headed. They will be the ones to let you know when an opportunity arises.

If this is something you want to explore, hit me up. I am still using my skills from my recruiter days to help others find their true North. Remember, you have the skills to do what you enjoy AND make a living. As for me, I’m now coming out as a writer and Enneagram Coach. Watch this space for more details and announcements coming soon!

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Shelley Karpaty

Meditation and Musings - navigating life as a human BEing connecting the dots of the Universe.